Wednesday, April 21, 2010

32, not 33!

Happy Birthday to the man who thought he was turning 33 when really he's turning 32!
You are my world, my best friend, hero to your daughters, and still the man of my dreams.
Oh how we love you!

Happy 32nd Birthday DuVall!


RazakFamily said...

how awesome he thought he was a year older!!! He makes me laugh :)

emuhle said...

i think he's the only person i know who would think they're older than they really are. we are so stoked to see you guys today!
happy birthday!

Staci said...

Happy Birthday! I hope we get to see you all soon!

Em and AJ said...

How funny that he forgot how old he was going to be turning...Happy Birthday to Duvall!

Jessica said...

Losing his memory already?! heehee Happy Birthday Duv!

Hendry Family said...

Happy Birthday DuVall. I hope you had a great day!! You deserve it. I think about you guys a lot especially this time of year. Hope you both had great birthdays. I think about your family and little Emma a lot in April. You both have such great perspective and are such great examples to me. I hope you are all doing well. I love your girls. They are just do dang cute!!!