Sunday, May 18, 2008

The "shorts"...and Abbi eats sand!

Really no need to explain the story here. It is as it appears. Abigail eats sand. I tried, I really did, to get her to NOT eat sand. I failed. But she's so darn cute. So, eat away squishy bear, eat away!

(Sorry about the bright pictures. I guess "beach" setting on my camera doesn't really work at the beach.)

The shorts. These are shorts that DuVall bought for Olivia. He found them in the boy section. I had issues with that. He bought them anyway. And, I have to admit, she wears them well. What a cutie. And he put her in a pink shirt and pink shoes so she still screams girl.


LagaFamily said...

Cute shorts! Not boyish at all! Tell DuVall not bad.

Kierstin said...

k, so does DuVie know that you can get GIRL plaid shorts? I'm sure you told him this, but being a 'laws' he decided to do his own thing... especially because you opposed :) I understand ;) The good thing is that you could put a paper bag on Livvie and she'd still look adorable! I love the chunky-monkey eating anything she can get her little hands on... so cute!

RazakFamily said...

i LOVE the shorts. I have been trying to find cute bermuda shorts for NJ...but DuVall should get a prize for getting cute ones!!

Us said...

Love it all. Babies eating sand is so cute despite how disgusting I would think it tastes. And Livi does look adorable in her shorts.

Buying boy stuff for girls seems to work out okay most of the time. Unfortunately it doesn't work the other way around. We needed black pants for Ethan for family pictures in March and the only ones I could find were girl jeans. I thought, "how different can they really be?" Well needless to say - it was worth a good laugh and them a hurried "take them off, take them off!" because he really did look like a girl. I guess flare pants don't work for boys. Thankfully after a trip to the mall and $30 later we had BOY black dress pants for the pics. Sam has banned me from entering little girl sections anymore.

Jessica said...

Abbi is so dang cute! A little dirt never hurt anyone.

Becky said...

Abbi looks so cute with her sandy smile and the b/w picture of the girls at the top is absolutely beautiful. Call us again next time you go to the beach.

Dru said...
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Dru said...

I think Duvy still eats sand, doesn't he? I know I would if I lived so close to the ocean.